One of my undergraduate seminars was basically about US culture in the 20th century and we had a very large unit dedicated to the Beat generation. Needless to say, we didn't read any women--nor did we even read *about* them. I remember having a love/hate relationship with On the Road, which I read several times over that semester to write my final paper on Kerouac and the novel...but I remember very little about the book, except for its final paragraph!

I'm now going to look for Johnson's memoir, which I feel I have come across at some point before but let go for some reason...

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It’s disappointing (but unfortunately not altogether surprising…) that you didn’t cover any of the women of the Beat generation on your course. This is why we have to excavate this stories and bring them out! I hope you enjoy the Johnson book :)

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There are SO MANY cool women in this circle and the more I learn about them, the more I get pissed that those interesting, intelligenet, sensitive men simply allowed for the women to be left out of the stories of the movement. Someone else I recently learned about was Anne Waldman - I watched the history of feminism documentary on Netflix after you mentioned it and loved getting to learn about her and her role in basically running the Jack Kerouac School.

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Thanks for reading, Petya! I know right? Oh, I'm so glad you watched the documentary! Did you cry?! I was in bits at the end when they all visited the exhibition. It made me want to go on a march or something 😄

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Wonderful piece! I always wondered about the women who seemed so peripheral to the males in On the Road, your piece is an eye-opener. Now I want to read more about those you mention. Thanks, Kate!

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Thank you, Ruth! There was so much more than I espected once I started researching these women. Definitely go out and read more on them!

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We never heard about the Beat Generation in Soviet Russia. I was wondering, why, when I read "ON THE ROAD," living already here. So interesting to read your article about their women and how they were ignored, as still women are.

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Thank you, Larisa. I'm glad you enjoyed learning more about them ☺

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Me --too, I love literary articles. Thank you, Kate.

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Sep 15Liked by Kate Jones

Your article beautifully illuminates the often-overlooked contributions of the women in the Beat Generation. The depth of research and clear narrative highlight their creative influence while addressing the constraints they faced at that time. Another great piece for a Sunday read.

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Thank you 💕

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Really fascinating, Kate. So much I learn about through your writing ! Thank you.

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Thank you for reading, Maureen! I'm so glad you enjoyed it 😀

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this came at a perfect time, i’m actually reading women of the best generation right now! and recently read diane di prima’s memoirs of a beatnik. i love this era!

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Oh, wow, what great timing! There is so much more to this topic, I feel like it could be a whole series, honestly :)

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