Jan 10, 2023Liked by Kate Jones

Fantastic thoughts. I love Woolf’s approach at this time in her life, it reminds us to think about the simple- but important- things in life. One thoughtful idea I’ve read online is coming up with a word for the New Year, such as “family” or “gratitude”, to mark our focus, instead of lofty goals or strict resolutions. Happy New Year!

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Really love this approach. I've seen a few people talking about pulling back in some way as a (non)resolution this year but had no idea of the connection with Woolf!

I've set myself a bunch of goals for the year but decided my 'resolution' would be to 'relax & enjoy.' That is, to really purposefully enjoy the ride and allow for more breathing room and pulling back, listening to what flow works for me on a particular day/hour/month.

For example, unrelated to writing, I signed up for a half marathon in October with a friend. It will be my first 'real race' in about a decade, and I used to race a lot so this is significant for me. I've allowed myself to just see where it goes: do I run fast, slow? with my friend, alone? do I train long and hard or minimally? do I not do it at all if my old injuries act up? In this way it is less about the actual race and more about enjoying the journey in a curious sort of way.

Thanks and hope your year is starting well :)

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