My least favorite film adaptation was Ender's Game. The book by Orson Scott Card is a Sci-Fi classic that won the Hugo Award. The film was a dud. I had such high expectations.

One of my favorite adaptations is The Wheel of Time series on Amazon Prime Video. While it is not 100% accurate with the books, it is done very well and keeps the spirit of the original story. The book series is lengthy (14,000+ pages) so some creative editing is necessary.

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I haven't come across the films you mention, but I am not a big reader of sci-fi. But I think you've hit on a good point: we can accept a film not being totally true to the book if it's exceptionally done and is inkeeping with the spirit of the original. Thank you for your comments! :)

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Great summary. I love the book The Appeal which is written, in the main, by email correspondence.

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Interesting...and I guess email is the modern day letter! I shall have to check it out. Thanks 😀

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I agree with your opinion of "The Hours" adaptation. One of my favorite adaptations of all time is Ang Lee's "Sense and Sensibility."

A few others are: BBC's 1995 "Pride and Prejudice"; "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"; BBC's 2005 series "Bleak House."

As far as adaptations I haven't enjoyed... While I grew up on Kenneth Branagh's early film work (particularly those superb offerings co-created with Emma Thompson), and enjoyed his approach to the character Kurt Wallander, I have to say I am not a fan of his Agatha Christie adaptations. I don't think I've managed to watch any of them through to the end. I don't expect a purist's level of devotion to adapting any of Christie's work--I enjoyed Sarah Phelp's spin on "Ordeal by Innocence." Although, I know many other people didn't. I do expect to perceive a certain resonance with the source material that I don't find in Branagh's Poirot. David Suchet remains the one and only actor to embody Hercule Poirot. The only upside of Branagh's adaptations is that they may entice younger readers to pick up her novels, gaining her another generation of new readers.

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Hi Shane, I also enjoyed Ang Lee's adaptation and I loved the BBC Pride and Prejudice. I think you can generally rely on the BBC to do drama well. I also enjoyed the film version of Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow. I haven't seen the Bleak House one. As you say, a resonance with the source material is an important factor. As my husband is a big fan of Christie, we often watch the really old film versions for a bit of classic escapism! But we too can't quite gel with Branagh's Poirot. Perhaps, as you say, Suchet remains synonymous with the character. Thank you for your interesting comments! 😀

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